Rehabilitation and Upgradation to Four Lane configuration & Strengthening of Mo to Sihuni from Km 42.000 to Km 51.000 (Design Length 8.330 KM) of NH-20 (New NH-154) of Pathankot-Mandi Section in the state of Himachal Pradesh on Hybrid Annuity Mode (HAM) (Package-IB)
Construction of Uni-directional Sudhmahadev – Dranga Twin Tube Tunnel and its approach roads (From D.Ch. 0.00 to D Ch. 12.85) on Chenani - Sudhmahadev - Goha road (design length 12.850km including Uni-directional Tunnel 1- 5.449/5.417km (Tube-1/Tube-2) and Tunnel 2- 2.64/2.63km (Tube-1/Tube-2)) on NH-244 in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir on EPC mode.
Construction of Uni-directional Singhpora - Vailoo Tunnel (Under Sinthanpass) of length 10.331km/10.363km (Tube-1/Tube-2)and its approach road from Km 111+067 (at Chhatroo km 140.870 on NH-244) to 149+678(at vailoo Junction with NH -244 i.e., existing km 235.070) of total length 38.611 km in Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir on EPC mode.
Construction of Road Tunnel with its approaches from Shiv Murti Interchange on NH-248BB/NH-48 to Nelson Mandela Marg (NH-148AE) from Ch. 0+000 to 4+983 in the state of Delhi on EPC mode